Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Anatomy lessons through pain

When I defined myself as a runner, it was hip pain. Isolated moments of excruciating, deep-in-the-pelvis bone-stopping pain. Obturator externus, Tensor fasciae latae. Piriformis.

Physical therapy, ice, rest, and holding back from over training. Striving for that self-control which will lead to eventual recovery.

After 35 years, I moved on to rowing.

Now, running is play. Hip pain went the way of the 3 hour long runs. 90 minutes of running is pure joy.

Rowing in the new challenge.

I began to define myself as a rower, and have moved on to back pain. At the moment it is chronic tightness with shooting pain down the right lower back, and around the pelvis. The Erector Spinea, the quadratus lumborum. and a dash of psoas major.

Once again, physical therapy, ice, rest, holding back from over training. Self-control is hard when the water is flat and the pre-dawn hour beckons.

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